Rules for the BH Grasshopper class:Tamiya grasshopper or hornet,
540 J Spec motor ,
5000 mah NiMh 6 cell ,
18 tooth pinion ,
any esc
stock tamiya or buggy rear wheels and tires,
stock front wheels and tires ,
any full size body,
any shocks or springs,
any shock mounting mods are legal.
Rules for Slash/MDMThe intent of this class is to give the racer a class where competition is tight and cost are kept low. At its heart this is a box stock class using a stock Traxxas Slash 2WD. This chassis is sold under the following stock numbers (58024, 58034-1, 58034-2). No cutting, shaving, modifying, heating, bending, etc... All parts must be installed in their factory location. If the rules don't say you can, you can't. If you are parting together your chassis it must match a stock Slash 2WD unless otherwise specified in the rules below.
Tech procedure:
Battery Must never Exceed 8.44V , This will be a random Tech item before the Mains
Top 3 in the A-main will be teched after the race.
The car will be weighed.
The chassis and motor will be given a visual inspection with body removed.
Diff action will be checked.
The car will be dropped from about 6” off the surface and then measured.
Random inspection of body to confirm correct dimensions.
Chassis :
STOCK TRAXXAS SLASH 2WD ONLY !!! (HCG ONLY, no VXL or LCG chassis are allowed)
There is no gearing rule. However you cannot run an aluminum or Steal Spur gear.
Spur gears must remain Plastic. Nor can you run any gear that will require any modifying of the Chassis.
Must use stock Traxxas Slash 2wd chassis and components, unmodified, unless otherwise specified. No modifying, replacing, or removing any components unless otherwise specified.
The "hoop" and "ears" on the front bumper may be cut off, however, the main area of the bumper must remain intact.
All suspension components must be installed in the proper position and orientation on the car from the factory
(EXAMPLE: Left caster block on the left; right block on the right, front shocks on front, rear shocks on rear, suspension arms right side up, etc)
Locking or modifying the differential in any way will not be allowed. The differential must have normal diff action, and cannot turn the motor over when rotating one rear tire against the normal compression (resistance) of the motor. No ball diffs. The use of diff fluids or grease are allowed.
Any additional weight must be added within the main chassis plate area. Adding weight to nerf bars, bumpers, headers, suspension arms, or any component not within the main chassis area will not be allowed.
The ESC, transponder, and receiver can be mounted anywhere in the main chassis plate area only.
Minimum Ride Height: .750" (including body)
Minimum Weight: 94OZ (5LBS 14OZ)
Only white Traxxas Springs may be used, and may not be cut or altered from factory in any way.
The hard anodized Teflon coated shocks part# (tra4760, tra4761) are allowed.
Aluminum shock caps (any color) are allowed for use on stock plastic shocks.
Different weight shock oil may be used as well as internal shock limiters to adjust ride height and droop. NO limiting upward travel.
2-stage pistons or any modification to the shock to tune the compression and rebound separately will not be allowed.
BODIES: Aftermarket body mounts are allowed to facilitate mounting of body. No Mudboss, EDM, or Big Block Modified body styles allowed. Please see below for acceptable dimensions.

Legal Tuning Parts:
It has been determined that the following parts do in some cases provide an increase in durability but do not provide any performance advantage over the stock parts. This is why they are allowed. That being said I have been running stock parts since the inception of this class without any parts breakage. It is recommended that if a stock part wears out or breaks you consider the optional upgrades below.
Any color Traxxas Slash aluminum steering bell cranks (#3743), caster blocks (#3632), steering blocks (#3636), camber links, and rear axle carriers (#3652) are allowed.
RPM Parts: rear carriers (#80382), front steering blocks (#80372), caster blocks (#80712), front (#80952, #80953, #80955) & rear (#81002, #81003, #81005) bumpers, and suspension arms rear(#80592, #80594, #80595) & front(#80242, #80244, #80245).
Hard anodized Teflon coated shocks part# (tra4760, tra4761).
Radio Gear: Transmitter/Receiver may be replaced.
ESC: You will have 3 options of ESC's. Must use the stock XL-5 ESC , SPEED PASSION Cirtix Stock Club Race ESC part number: 12280 OR SPEED PASSION Reventon Stock Club Race part number: SP000048
MOTOR : You will have 2 Motor options. Unaltered Titan 12t 550 brushed motor OR SPEED PASSION Competition Version 3.0 17.5R. No Tuning, tweaking, or modifying the motor in any way will not be allowed. The outer metal sleeve is considered part of the motor and must be installed as is from the factory. The stock (bullet) connectors on the motor must also be used. Soldering the connectors together is not allowed.
Can run any hard case 2-cell Li-Po or brand 7-cell Ni-MH stick pack battery.
Battery Must never Exceed 8.44V , This will be a random Tech item before the Mains. Only LiPos will be checked.
Battery must be mounted in the stock center tray location, but can be moved forward or back as long as it stays within the stock boundaries of the battery tray.
Changing the battery plug on the ESC to fit your battery is allowed. However, direct soldering the battery wires is not.
Any 2.2/3.0 short course wheel that fits the Traxxas 12mm hex will be allowed. Each wheel must have two vent holes no larger than .350. Additional lightening of the wheel will not be allowed. Must use same offset wheel on each side.
The use of the following Traxxas Slash tires and compounds are allowed. Choice of: Slash Spec, Kumho Venture, and BF Goodrich treads in standard or S1 compound.
Grinding, cutting, or altering the inside of the tire in any way will not be allowed. No extra grooving, splicing, or siping of the outside tread of the tire. Gluing or taping the outside of the tire to help prevent traction rolling will be allowed.
Tires cannot be ground down to slicks. Tires must have a minimum tread depth of .065" for all three tread styles.
Must use the stock foam insert provided with tire. Altering the insert will not be permitted. One foam insert per tire only.
The use of tire traction compound is allowed. Please do NOT go on the track with wet tires.
Rules for Outlaw SprintDODC Rules
Rules for RallyThe intent of this class is to offer a type of racing that has a ‘backyard’ feel.
Racing where the entrants are competitors on the track and friends off the track
(Really all club level R/C racing should be this way).
This is a limited (not stock) type class where you are required to use the Traxxas
ST Rally chassis with a choice of brushed or brushless power (see below).
Limited modifications are allowed.
This is meant to be a fun class, this does not mean a bashing class. There is no
place for bashing on a race track. It’s about friendly competition and positive
attitudes. If you are a serious competitor, do join the fun but turn the serious
down to one. It’s racing, give it your all do try to win and be competitive, just
don’t get carried away, keep it friendly. Race like your racing against your
friends and family. If you like to race and have some fun & laughs while doing it
this is the class for you.
If the rules don't say you can, you can't. If you are parting together your chassis,
it must match a stock ST Rally unless otherwise specified in the rules below.
Tech Procedure:
This class uses an honor system. There will not be regular Tech Inspection before or after the race but
there could be pop up tech at any time including but not limited to battery voltage check.
Random tech Inspection may be performed at any time to ensure compliance with the rules stated
herein. So, don’t be surprised if you get a visit from the tech inspector. The main areas where we rely on
the racers honesty and integrity is the battery voltage, motors and the internals.
There is a protest procedure that can be initiated. The protester puts up $10 to protest. Protester must
state area of concern (motor, internals, etc.) The protestee’s car is then closely examined and
disassembled as necessary to perform the inspection. If the protestee
range. For example, if a shock tower has three mounting holes, you can utilize either of those three
holes. There will be no modification to that shock tower to change shock placement outside the stock
allowable limits.
All ‘externally visible when assembled’ parts may be upgraded to aftermarket RPM and/or Traxxas
durability upgrades that do not provide a performance advantage over the stock part. Examples of
these would include, but not limited to, shock caps, stock sized arms, and steering bell crank. If not
specified ask for clarification prior to component installation. Example of a part that would be
disallowed… Traxxas Rear Stub Axle Carriers, 1952X. Since this part has 1.5 degrees toe as opposed to
the stock parts 0 degrees toe it provides a potential performance advantage, hence does not meet the
Chassis: No chassis modifications or aftermarket chassis are allowed.
Steering Servo: Aftermarket servo allowed but must be mounted in factory position without
Gearing: Changes are allowed, but there will be no modification to the chassis or gear housing.
Suspension: Must be as designed out of the box with the exception of the upper links. Addition of
adjustable upper links allowed. (Front: TRA3644 Rear: TRA2443 or equivalent)
Shocks: Stock or Traxxas Big Bore (front TRA2660 and rear TRA2662) allowed. Any standard piston (no
multi stage) allowed. Any oil allowed. Any spring allowed.
Bodies: Stock Traxxas ST Rally is currently the only authorized body. Replacement of a clear body
painted to your own liking is allowed but must match the stock body cut outs. No ‘aero’ additions of any
Transmitter/Receiver: Since the stock equipment is adequate the only transmitter and receiver allowed
is the stock system that comes with the Traxxas ST Rally. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Motor/ESC: You will have two options to choose from:
1. 12t 550 brushed motor with the XL-5 ESC.
You can do anything to the motor you want as long as you don’t open it.
2. Castle 3800KV and Sidewinder ESC.
● Castle 3800KV Motor - 060-0066-00 (5mm shaft) or 060-0065-00 (⅛ shaft)
● Castle Sidewinder ESC - 010-0115-00
● Combo - 010-0123-03 (5mm shaft) or 010-0123-02 (⅛ shaft)
You may only rebuild the motor and return it to the original condition and specification.
Changing the battery plug on the ESC to fit your battery (bullets allowed) is acceptable. However, direct
soldering the battery wires is not.
Battery: Any ROAR approved 2s LIPO… Hot charging is strongly discouraged, there’s no place for it so
just don’t do it. keep the voltage 8.4 or less. Battery must be mounted in the stock tray location, but can
be moved forward or back as long as it stays within the stock boundaries of the battery tray.
Tires: The use of any 2.2"/3.0" rubber tire is allowed. NOTE: If a particular tire is deemed harmful to the
racing surface it will be disallowed.
Wheels: Any 2.2"/3.0" wheel that has same offset as factory wheels.
Intrenals: All internal components must remain as manufactured with the following exception(s):
● Optional Slipper clutch #6878 allowed.
Minimum ride height: .5 inches
Max Width: 11.0 inches
Weight: No minimum weight.
NOTE: This is a new class so rules are subject to change to address any durability or other issues that
may arise during the season.